You will love it!
The power of Apple Stem Cells in a smart anti-aging program, available for all skins types.
SMART エイジングケアプログラム
ショートコンプリートエイジングケアシリーズBio Smartはマルチタスクスキンケア、簡単で効果的なデイリートリートメント。
リンゴ 幹細胞 テクノロジ-
お肌にピッタリのものを選ぶには細かいケアが大事。 お肌のタイプ別、ニーズ別に注目して厳密にセレクトしたアクティブ成分をそれぞれ処方しました。
Advanced Eye Lifting Concentrate
“I love the texture of this lightweight eye gel!”
«It feels nice to apply and I felt that my eye puffiness was reduced and eye bags were less prominent after the first week. The packaging is also great because the eye gel dispenses easily which means I don’t waste any product. I really love this brand, thanks Belle Azul.» Avital G.
Advanced Repair Balm Night
“Love this night cream!”
«After only two weeks I am impressed with the results I’m seeing. The biggest improvement is in the firmness and tone of my face, especially around the mouth, cheeks and jawline. I have also noticed that my wrinkles and the fine lines around the eyes look less evident.» Kirwan
Revitalizing Gel Cream
“A great purchase!”
«I was looking for the right facial cream for my skin, which is sometimes oily and sometimes mixed. I tried everything, including very famous brands, but at the end of the day I had my make up all falling apart. I found this item which isn’t expensive really and gave it a go, just to find it was exactly what I was looking for!» Noy D.
Advanced Plumping Moisturizer
気になる乾燥やストレスなどのお肌の悩み、年齢を理由にあきらめたくない方を私たちは徹底的にサポートします。シアバターやビタミンE 、リンゴ幹細胞などの処方した軽い使い心地のリッチモイスチャライザーはお肌に深いうるおいと栄養を与えシワに負けないお肌に導きます。
“Excellent anti-aging line!”
«I have been using these products for about a month, and have seen some really visible and encouraging results. In particular the tone and texture of my skin looks a lot tighter, especially around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and jawline… Since using this cream, my pores have tightened. What I notice also is that the products are very easily absorbed and don’t leave an oily residue.» Kirwan