What Causes Heavy Legs and How Can We Treat Them?

Summer is here and no matter how much you LOVE the heat (if you happen to be just a bit as crazy as us), it can sometimes have unpleasant effects on your well-being. One of the most common summer discomforts that affects many of us is the heavy, tired and swollen legs. Surprisingly, every 1 [...]

Calorie Intake: How Many Calories Should You Consume a Day?

In our aspiration of getting those ripped abs, many of us get too obsessed about counting calories! But, how many calories do you actually need to consume a day? Are you sure you take into account all the factors that stand behind your daily calorie intake? How do you know what is best for [...]

The Truth About Adding A Face Mask To Your Skincare Routine

Face masks - one of the hottest beauty trends everywhere on social media. We bet your Instagram feed is filled with celebrities and beauty influencers wearing sheet masks. But where does this obsession with face masks come from? Do they actually work or is this just the latest fad? Now, let us tell [...]

Top 5 Ways to Relieve Stress

There are 327 unread emails in your mailbox, your mobile phone doesn’t stop ringing, and your next meeting starts in under 5 minutes. Just another ordinary day at work, you say. In today’s hectic world, finding time to relax can be quite difficult. At Belle Azul, we always strive to promote a healthy lifestyle and [...]

Get Your Holiday Feet Ready for the Beach!

Summer is finally here! Before you take off your shoes at the beach to feel the lovely touch of the sea, you might want to do something about your dry, cracked heels that you have been hiding away all winter. Don’t worry, we’ve got you all covered! Here are 5 Steps to Getting Your [...]

Skin Care Routine: 4 Steps to Having a Glowing Skin

No matter how much of a busy day you are having, you should always find time to take care of your skin. This will not only help you reveal its natural beauty, but it will also help you relax after a long day at work! While there are tons of beauty products you can choose [...]

How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated in the Summer?

Summer is just around the corner and surely, most of you are excited to put away your warm jackets and jump in your bathing suits! We, at Belle Azul, can’t wait either! However, the summer does also bring with it a lot of potential damage to our skin, sucking out the life of it and [...]

7 Beauty Secrets That Every Girl Should Know

Have you ever wondered how Hollywood stars always look so flawless in spite of age and other factors? At Belle Azul, we are dedicated to making every girl feel like they have just stepped off the red carpet! Our beauty experts have come together to reveal their top 7 beauty secrets to help [...]

Summer 2017: A beauty must have for every destination

This summer it doesn’t matter the destination, what matters is to bring your Beauty Routine «must haves» Ready for summer vacations? Do you have everything? What about your summer beauty routine?  It isn’t important, where you go this glamorous summer it will be filled with unforgettable moments, never-ending laughs and maybe a [...]

Fun Multimasking Trend

Hello beauties ! At Belle Azul, we truly believe every face is unique and that every girl deserves to have her own customized beauty routine. Therefore, we have created a solution for your crazy lifestyle. Initially a hit in Korea; the multi-masking trend has now spread worldwide, and we’re going to show you how to multi-mask [...]